The function sets up a smooth term for shape constraint estimation of P-spline model terms. Note that this currently only works using boosting and backfitting.

# S3 method for ms.smooth.spec
smooth.construct(object, data, knots, ...)



Either a smooth specification object, or object of class "bamlss", "bamlss.frame", "bamlss.formula" or "bamlss.terms". For smooth specification objects, see function smooth.construct.


A data frame or list, see also see function smooth.construct.


See function smooth.construct.


Arguments passed to the smooth term constructor functions.


See function see smooth.construct.


if (FALSE) ## Generate some data.

n <- 300
x <- runif(n, -2, 3)
y <- sin(x) + rnorm(n, sd = 0.1)

d <- data.frame("y" = y, "x" = x)

## Increasing: constr = 1.
## Decreasing: constr = 2.
b <- bamlss(y ~ s2(x,bs="ms",xt=list(constr=1)),
  data = d, optimizer = opt_bfit, sampler = sam_MVNORM)
#> AICc 160.7101 logPost -94.9489 logLik -75.1264 edf 5.1219 eps 0.8913 iteration   1
#> AICc  -6.5555 logPost -11.0618 logLik   8.8436 edf 5.4463 eps 0.1834 iteration   2
#> AICc -75.1945 logPost  23.4106 logLik  43.4027 edf 5.6763 eps 0.1043 iteration   3
#> AICc -84.3641 logPost  28.0615 logLik  48.1083 edf 5.7921 eps 0.0406 iteration   4
#> AICc -84.4774 logPost  28.1376 logLik  48.2034 edf 5.8289 eps 0.0061 iteration   5
#> AICc -84.4729 logPost  28.1377 logLik  48.2058 edf 5.8334 eps 0.0002 iteration   6
#> AICc -84.4728 logPost  28.1377 logLik  48.2059 edf 5.8335 eps 0.0000 iteration   7
#> AICc -84.4728 logPost  28.1377 logLik  48.2059 edf 5.8335 eps 0.0000 iteration   7
#> elapsed time:  0.02sec
#> Warning: sigma is numerically not positive semidefinite

## Predict and plot.
p <- predict(b, model = "mu", FUN = c95)
plot(y ~ x)
plot2d(p ~ x, add = TRUE, col.lines = 4, lwd = 2)