The function creates design (or model) matrices for BAMLSS, i.e., for each parameter of a object.

# S3 method for bamlss.frame
model.matrix(object, data = NULL, model = NULL,
  drop = TRUE, scale.x = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for bamlss.formula
model.matrix(object, data = NULL, model = NULL,
  drop = TRUE, scale.x = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for bamlss.terms
model.matrix(object, data = NULL, model = NULL,
  drop = TRUE, scale.x = FALSE, ...)



A bamlss.frame, bamlss.formula or terms.bamlss object.


A data frame or list.


Character or integer, specifies the model for which design matrices should be returned.


If model matrices for only one model are returned, the list structure is dropped.


Logical, should the model matrices of the linear parts be scaled?


Not used.


Depending on the type of model a named list of model matrices or a single model matrix.


## Generate some data.
d <- GAMart()

## Model formula.
f <- list(
  num ~ x1 + x2 + id,
  sigma ~ x3 + fac + lon + lat

## Create a "bamlss.frame".
bf <- bamlss.frame(f, data = d)

## Get the model matrices.
X <- model.matrix(bf)
#>   (Intercept)        x3 facmedium fachigh       lon        lat
#> 1           1 0.1897572         0       0 0.8636364 0.95454545
#> 2           1 0.1045232         0       1 0.5909091 0.86363636
#> 3           1 0.4983402         1       0 0.9090909 0.09090909
#> 4           1 0.1659821         0       0 0.6818182 0.04545455
#> 5           1 0.5665869         0       1 0.5454545 0.81818182
#> 6           1 0.5376464         1       0 0.7727273 0.36363636

## Same with "bamlss.formula".
X <- model.matrix(bamlss.formula(f), data = d)
#>   (Intercept)        x3 facmedium fachigh       lon        lat
#> 1           1 0.1897572         0       0 0.8636364 0.95454545
#> 2           1 0.1045232         0       1 0.5909091 0.86363636
#> 3           1 0.4983402         1       0 0.9090909 0.09090909
#> 4           1 0.1659821         0       0 0.6818182 0.04545455
#> 5           1 0.5665869         0       1 0.5454545 0.81818182
#> 6           1 0.5376464         1       0 0.7727273 0.36363636